lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

The Chinese Creation

A unique character of Chinese culture is the relatively late appearance of the myths about the creation in the literature. They are included after the foundation of the Confucianism, Taoism and other popular religions.
At the beginning there was only a shapeless chaos, of which emerged a cosmic egg.
Inside, the vital forces of Yin… dark, cold and feminine
                             And of Yangclear, warm and masculine
mixed with each one.  When they reached the equilibrium, the god Pangu, born due to their fight, woke up from his long sleep. He stretched and the shell was broken.
The heavier elements fell to forming the earth and the lighter floated to making the sky.
Pangu remained between both, raising the sky for 18.000 years… Understandably exhausted, Pangu began to sleep.
His body converted into the mountains, his flesh into the ground and his blood into the rivers; the hair turned into woods, the bones into precious minerals and the down into stars. His sweat fell in shape of rain and the little creatures which inhabited his body (fleas) converted to the human beings.
From his breath rose the wind, from his voice… the thunder! And finally, his eyes gave origin to the sun and the moon.

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