lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

The Greek Creation II

Soon tedium swelled them… what a bore! So gods created a lot of beings to populate the earth. Zeus asked the sons of titan Japetus to provide them with graces and forces.
But Epimetheus gave all the gifts to animals and the human being remained naked, undefended and unarmed. Then Prometheus, friend of Man, tried to solve the injustice stealing the wisdom from Athena and conferring them the logic. He also stole the fire from Hephaestus, so that they could survive better.
But Zeus couldn’t permit men to seem gods, so he punished Prometheus in a terribly cruel way. As regards people, the god ordered Hephaestus to mold a pretty being.
She would be beautiful, virtuous, intelligent and persuasive… but Hermes conceded the gift of cunning and falseness, and Hera filled her with curiosity.
Pandora, the first woman, was envied to Epimetheus, who fell quickly in love. As present of marriage, they received from gods a lovely closed box. They didn’t have to open it under no circumstances. In those days, human beings were happy: they lived an idyllic life… they had neither work, nor wickedness, nor problems, nor old age.
Nor death.
But curiosity beat Pandora and she opened the box and all evils got away… the pain, the illness, the misfortune. But a poor thing stayed inside the box: hope.
Why can’t the women of mythology be quiet?
Eva did just the same.
So generations were gradually degenerating until our days: according to ancient Greeks, we’re the worst human version that has ever existed.

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